ACTIVATE_MAINTENANCE_MODE | Maintenance Mode was activated |
ADDED_GROUP_TO_GROUP | A group was added to another group |
ADDED_USER_TO_GROUP | A user was added to a group |
CREATE_CONTAINER | A container was created |
CREATE_CONTENT | A content was created |
CREATE_ENTITY_PERMISSION | An EntityPermission was created |
CREATE_GROUP | A group was created |
CREATE_JOB | A job was created |
CREATE_JOB_PROFILE | A job profile was created |
CREATE_LOCALIZATION | A localization was created |
CREATE_PERMISSION | A permission was created |
CREATE_SPACE | A space was created |
CREATE_USER | A user was created |
DEACTIVATE_MAINTENANCE_MODE | Maintenance mode was deactivated |
DELETE_APP_ATTRIBUTE | An attribute of the app was deleted |
DELETE_CONTAINER | A container was deleted |
DELETE_CONTENT | A content was deleted |
DELETE_ENTITY_PERMISSION | An EntityPermission was deleted |
DELETE_GROUP | A group was deleted |
DELETE_JOB | A job was deleted |
DELETE_JOB_PROFILE | A job profile was deleted |
DELETE_LOCALIZATION | A localization was deleted |
DELETE_PERMISSION | A permission was deleted |
DELETE_SPACE | A space was deleted |
DELETE_USER | A user was deleted |
DOWNLOAD_CONTENT | A content was downloaded |
LOGIN_USER_SUCCESS | A user has successfully signed in |
MARK_AS_DOWNLOADED_CONTENT | A content was marked as “already downloaded” |
PREVIEW_CONTENT | A content was displayed in the preview |
PROCESS_JOB_ERROR | A job ended with an error |
PROCESS_JOB_FATAL | A job ended with a fatal error |
PROCESS_JOB_INFO | Information about a job was provided |
PROCESS_JOB_START | Processing of a job has started |
PROCESS_JOB_SUCCESS | A job was processed successfully |
REMOVED_GROUP_FROM_GROUP | A group was removed from another group |
REMOVED_USER_FROM_GROUP | A user was removed from a group |
REQUEST_RESET_PASSWORD | The ResetPW process was initiated |
RESET_PASSWORD | The password was reset / newly set |
SET_APP_ATTRIBUTE | An attribute of the app was set |
SET_PASSWORD | A password was set |
UPDATE_ACTIVE_STATE | The active status of a user was updated (to true or false) |
UPDATE_CONTAINER | A container was updated |
UPDATE_CONTENT | A content was updated |
UPDATE_ENTITY_PERMISSION | An EntityPermission was updated |
UPDATE_FAILED_LOGINS | The number of failed logins was updated |
UPDATE_GROUP | A group was updated |
UPDATE_JOB | A job was updated |
UPDATE_JOB_PROFILE | A job profile was updated |
UPDATE_LAST_LOCKED | The date when the user was last blocked was updated (either a date has been entered or it has been removed) |
UPDATE_LOCALIZATION | A localization was updated |
UPDATE_SPACE | A space was updated |
UPDATE_USER | A user was updated |
UPDATE_USER_CUSTOM_DATA | A user’s custom data were updated |
UPLOAD_CONTENT | A content was uploaded |