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Window “Add User”

Click on “+ ADD USER” to create a new user.

After clicking, the input mask opens:

Login (case sensitive)Login Name (Attention: Case sensitive!)
Display nameName displayed within the application
EmailUser email address for managing notifications and passwords
Description User description
PasswortInitially assigned password, click on the eye icon to show or hide
Toggle Active / InactiveActivate / deactivate users
StatusUsually when creating: Select Not set – or “Accepted” if you know that the user has already been verified by the Golding system.
ColorColor of the user icon (enter as HEX code)
IconUser Icon
Phone NumberUser’s telephone or mobile number
User ImageImage displayed in the user’s business card
ContactSelection of another user who should be displayed as a contact for this user. The prerequisite is that this user has the right to read the other user (EntityPermission)